This class is an intensive study of the chakras and aura systems in order to provide healing for the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental bodies. In this intensive course
you will learn how to develop your ability to read and comprehend the planes and levels of the Human Aura.
The course also includes:
- Understanding and working with the Universal and Human energy fields.
- How to use the Etheric template to repair organs, muscles, and the skeletal systems of the physical body.
- How to use the Ketheric template to repair the all systems of the body (Chakra System; Immune System; Lymphatic System; Renal System; etc.)
- Steps needed for direct access of information from your guides and healers.
- The process of Internal Viewing of the physical body.
- Different breathing techniques to raise your healing vibration.
- How to do an intensive Blockage Removal
- The correct method to get your clients energy flowing correctly thru out the body.”
- Changing energy from physical, to spiritual to healing energy.
A 3 Day Class
Tuition $525.00
Terri Pippin with questions or to register